Klicken Sie auf den Team Namen um die Ergebnisse zu filtern.
Mobilitätspokal (M8) Startzeit: 10:02:44.889
Bahn |
Team |
Zeit |
1 |
Mhp Grisu |
00:57.677 |
4 |
Autovisionäre |
00:57.911 |
2 |
El Diabolo |
00:58.064 |
3 |
Freaky Caribbian Express |
00:58.767 |
Mobilitätspokal (M9) Startzeit: 10:13:46.45
Bahn |
Team |
Zeit |
2 |
Powerdragons |
00:57.808 |
3 |
Der Nutzdrachen |
00:57.969 |
5 |
Julianum Helmstedt |
00:58.222 |
4 |
Die fAWOriten |
00:59.211 |
1 |
Cross Sailor 2.0 |
00:59.319 |
Mobilitätspokal (M10) Startzeit: 10:22:20.294
Bahn |
Team |
Zeit |
3 |
Newman´s Club Team |
00:57.728 |
4 |
00:58.981 |
1 |
In.motion |
00:59.193 |
2 |
Kolleg Drachen |
00:59.323 |
5 |
Plümeckes Drachenreiter |
00:59.708 |
Newcomerpokal (N5) Startzeit: 10:31:00.372
Bahn |
Team |
Zeit |
4 |
Team VSC |
01:01.452 |
2 |
Bahnhofskapitäne |
01:01.473 |
1 |
NSW Dreamteam |
01:01.959 |
3 |
real,- Schlümpfe |
01:05.450 |
Newcomerpokal (N6) Startzeit: 10:41:35.059
Bahn |
Team |
Zeit |
3 |
Der fliegende Albert |
00:59.310 |
1 |
Backpackers |
01:01.688 |
4 |
Die Versenker feat. Der Wellenbrecher |
01:02.415 |
2 |
PuZ-Teufel |
01:06.368 |
Vitalitätspokal (V4) Startzeit: 10:48:56.059
Bahn |
Team |
Zeit |
5 |
enjoy electronics |
00:53.989 |
4 |
VERy Important Paddler |
00:54.816 |
1 |
Paddel of mud |
00:54.973 |
2 |
High Power Komponente |
00:56.253 |
3 |
Capt´n HuD |
00:56.399 |
Mobilitätspokal (m11) Startzeit: 11:07:28.373
Bahn |
Team |
Zeit |
2 |
Kraftwerksdrachen |
00:57.028 |
5 |
The Green Dragons |
00:57.067 |
4 |
Vehicle Workers Osnabrück |
00:57.947 |
1 |
Fast Canoeing Vikings |
00:58.127 |
3 |
Die Löwen |
00:58.859 |
Mobilitätspokal (M12) Startzeit: 11:17:51.872
Bahn |
Team |
Zeit |
1 |
Mhp Grisu |
00:55.987 |
2 |
Zinker and friends |
00:56.127 |
3 |
Triple A |
00:56.614 |
4 |
Black Pearls |
00:56.859 |
5 |
911 Freunde |
00:58.403 |
Mobilitätspokal (M13) Startzeit: 11:29:20.451
Bahn |
Team |
Zeit |
3 |
Dok`N`Roll |
00:55.010 |
4 |
finance dragons |
00:55.380 |
1 |
Powerdragons |
00:57.008 |
2 |
LupoLeo |
00:57.212 |
5 |
00:59.365 |
Mobilitätspokal (M14) Startzeit: 11:37:06.309
Bahn |
Team |
Zeit |
3 |
MAN dragons |
00:55.664 |
2 |
Die Wolfsdrachen |
00:57.141 |
1 |
Newman´s Club Team |
00:57.163 |
5 |
IFK Young Friends |
00:57.258 |
4 |
RobustPaddleUp |
00:57.340 |
Mobilitätspokal (M15) Startzeit: 11:44:32.403
Bahn |
Team |
Zeit |
4 |
ACTIC Fitness |
00:57.002 |
5 |
Klitschnass für Nix |
00:57.639 |
3 |
Phaeton Phantome |
00:57.763 |
2 |
747 D(J)umbo |
00:58.254 |
1 |
Autovisionäre |
00:58.821 |
Newcomerpokal (N7) Startzeit: 11:53:48.324
Bahn |
Team |
Zeit |
3 |
IT-Kompass |
00:58.339 |
4 |
Prototypes |
00:58.855 |
2 |
Men in Black- PwC |
00:58.915 |
5 |
Team VSC |
00:59.702 |
1 |
Powerteam Stadtwerke/LSW |
00:59.744 |
Newcomerpokal (N8) Startzeit: 12:04:53.481
Bahn |
Team |
Zeit |
2 |
the real waschbären |
00:57.300 |
3 |
IT-Dr@gons |
00:58.420 |
4 |
Wizards of OS |
00:59.687 |
5 |
Der fliegende Albert |
01:00.004 |
1 |
Pina Cool Ladies |
01:00.667 |
Vitalitätspokal (V5) Startzeit: 12:12:19.965
Bahn |
Team |
Zeit |
3 |
Audi Shark-ányok |
00:54.224 |
2 |
Skoda Auto Team |
00:54.339 |
4 |
Volkswagen Slovakia Dragons |
00:54.868 |
1 |
Die Wilde 13 |
00:55.855 |
5 |
VERy Important Paddler |
00:57.185 |
Vitalitätspokal (V6) Startzeit: 12:22:34.839
Bahn |
Team |
Zeit |
3 |
Just for Fun Dragons |
00:53.762 |
2 |
IAV Navigators |
00:55.339 |
1 |
enjoy electronics |
00:56.759 |
5 |
Paddel of mud |
00:57.295 |
4 |
Die Wasserträger |
00:58.494 |
Mobilitätspokal (M16) Startzeit: 12:34:37.043
Bahn |
Team |
Zeit |
4 |
Dok`N`Roll |
00:56.043 |
5 |
Zinker and friends |
00:56.411 |
2 |
ACTIC Fitness |
00:56.411 |
3 |
Kraftwerksdrachen |
00:56.736 |
1 |
Die Wolfsdrachen |
00:57.588 |
Mobilitätspokal (M17) Startzeit: 12:43:02.356
Bahn |
Team |
Zeit |
2 |
The Green Dragons |
00:56.480 |
5 |
finance dragons |
00:56.634 |
4 |
MAN dragons |
00:56.710 |
1 |
Klitschnass für Nix |
00:57.206 |
3 |
Mhp Grisu |
00:57.247 |
Visionspokal Startzeit: 13:07:32.606
Bahn |
Team |
Zeit |
2 |
Die Wasserträger |
00:55.116 |
1 |
Der Nutzdrachen |
00:56.512 |
4 |
Mhp Grisu |
00:57.372 |
5 |
Men in Black- PwC |
00:58.857 |
3 |
Rathauspaddler |
00:59.259 |
Newcomerpokal Startzeit: 13:31:49.184
Bahn |
Team |
Zeit |
3 |
the real waschbären |
00:57.294 |
5 |
IT-Dr@gons |
00:57.640 |
4 |
Prototypes |
00:58.187 |
2 |
IT-Kompass |
00:58.538 |
1 |
Men in Black- PwC |
00:59.073 |
Mobilitätspokal Startzeit: 13:52:06.638
Bahn |
Team |
Zeit |
3 |
Dok`N`Roll |
00:54.737 |
4 |
The Green Dragons |
00:55.091 |
5 |
ACTIC Fitness |
00:55.411 |
2 |
finance dragons |
00:55.753 |
1 |
Zinker and friends |
00:56.509 |
Vitalitätspokal Startzeit: 14:11:40.184
Bahn |
Team |
Zeit |
3 |
Partyflotte |
00:51.608 |
2 |
Kleine Hufeisennasen |
00:52.125 |
1 |
Just for Fun Dragons |
00:52.713 |
4 |
Drachenwölfe MTV Vorsfelde |
00:53.146 |
5 |
Audi Shark-ányok |
00:54.302 |
The Ritz-Carlton Cup
Staffel 2x230m Startzeit: 15:13:24.778
Bahn |
Team |
Zeit |
3 |
Partyflotte / Prototypes |
01:17.672 |
4 |
Kleine Hufeisennase / IT-Dr@gons |
01:19.435 |
1 |
The Green Dragons / ACTIC Fitness |
01:19.656 |
5 |
Dok`N`Roll / finance dragons |
01:22.226 |
2 |
Just for Fun Dragons / the real waschbären |
disqualifiziert |